We launch the latest Pinty Plus innovation: Blackboard Paint in a spray can.

As always, we tested it to see whether anything needed adjusting. We didn’t need to change anything, but found it worked best on different surfaces by applying it in different ways. Therefore we gathered this information together in order to share it with you.

Here we offer you a guide to using Blackboard spray paint on different surfaces for best results.


Blackboard spray paint on wood, cork and DM (very thick cardboard): Adhesion is excellent on these materials and on other porous surfaces. It is recommended to apply 2 coats and wait for it to completely dry. You can use chalk on it after 5 hours but for optimal hardening of the paint wait 48 hours before using.


Blackboard spray paint on metal: Initially the results were not good, with the chalk slipping on the surface of the paint. However, after doing further testes, we came up with a solution. By applying a pre-coat of Pintyplus Ferric Primer and then two coats of Chalk Board paint it worked perfectly.


Blackboard spray paint on paper and card: Adhesion is excellent, but the paper needs to be thick enough to take the paint layers without softening.


Blackboard spray paint on plastic: In the case of plastic the chalk does not write correctly when the paint is directly applied to the surface. We found that by applying a coat of Pintyplus Plastics Primer, which is colourless and has high adhesion on flexible surfaces, followed by two coats of Black board paint, this solved the problem.


Blackboard spray paint on glass or crystal: The paint adheres well. We found it best to apply a mist coat (a very thin layer) of Chalk Board paint first, allow to dry for 30 minutes, then apply the second coat to produce a solid colour

In all cases, your chalk designs must be removed with a damp cloth.

Advantages of using Chalk Board spray paint against other versions: 

Application is much faster, especially on sharp objects and those with folds, twists and bends, such as chairs, lamps, tables, cups.

You also get a perfect finish without sanding and no brush marks.

There are surely endless places to use it in your home and office, on crafts and in the garage and garden too. For example: on cupboard doors, walls, pots, book covers, jars, mirrors, frames, boxes…

To summarize: Chalk Board spray paint can be used on wood, glass, plastic, ceramic, cork and more. It can be sprayed directly onto porous surfaces (2 coats is usually best), but you will need to use an appropriate primer on non-porous surfaces such as glass and plastic.