We continue with our participation in Bricomanía, this time with Kristian who shows us how to renew an iron table with a paint effect forge.
In this case easily it restored an old rusty table, for which simply used a sander and our Pintyplus Forge , because besides being a topcoat, is also a primer that will protect the object from rust and corrosion. So you need not print it, you can paint directly after sanding.
As mentioned, the first thing was to sand the surface thoroughly with a sander multiwall, but if you have patience and strength you can do it by hand.
After you remove the dust from the surface with a cloth and apply directly our Pintyplus Forge as I have said on other occasions , directly and without any prior primer.
Once dry the surface (it has a very fast drying!) And you can put the piece in place. In this case Kristian placed a glass top. At another table seems?
Source: Hogarmanía